28 July 2010

Notes on the iPhone on IOS4 is broken

Apple recently released IOS4 for the iPhone which updated a number of things (mostly for the better).

One of the less obvious changes was to synchronise notes from the Notes app automatically with your gmail account. The iphone will automatically create a “Notes” label in gmail and file your notes there.

Anyway this would have passed unnoticed for me except that the Notes app is now bugged and anything after the first few lines of a note will be lost when you close and re-open the app. This makes the Notes app unusable and is apparently down to a bug in the gmail synchronisation.

Fine so I just turn off this feature that I didn’t want anyway and everything will be OK right? Wrong. Turn off the note syncing (in the settings app under the mail settings) and any notes written since you updated your phone will vanish from the Notes app completely. Brilliant.

Fortunately they don’t get deleted from gmail so you can still get at them and paste them back into the Notes app where they ought to have stayed in the first place.

So be warned, if you use the Notes app at all then turn off the gmail synching ASAP and be prepared to retrieve your newest notes from gmail.